Friday, February 28, 2014

What do you think about the clothes in woozworld? (levels)

The thing that makes me really mad at woozworld is that you have to be on a certain level to wear your clothes. For example: If you want to buy rebellion, and you buy it and you're only on level thirteen, you cannot wear it because it's on level thirty or something. It really gets to me to see how much they changed woozworld.
  • What do you think about the new woozworld?
  • Do you like it?
  • What are some Difficulties?
  • Do you like the "Giving the beex some love" issue?
  • Is it harder to get wooz?

Hopefully.. woozworld will change this nonsense. It's driving me bonkers! But, I got to admit that I like the "Giving The Beex Some Love" idea. It makes everything sooo cheap.
Comment what you think of those questions up there are to you! I hope that you enjoy everything! Also, don't forget to check out my other blog! And Subscribe me!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Being a Nobody on Woozworld Feels Like:

Wow. I have never seen something so sad in my life. Here, check out this picture that I took:

"Please click and woozup! Thanks guys for all of you being generosity! I really appreciate it. Also, please share. I luv yew guys!! Thanks soooo much!"
                                                   Comment -

                      Then, posting this:
Giving up on this game! Quiting. Comment if you don't really care. Woozup if you at least want me to 'stay'
Comment -

See. I'm abandoned. Please help me! I don't know what to do. I just want to get there attention. But, they're not paying any attention to me. I just want to talk to people.